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How to Hire Your Perfect Team in 5 Steps

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Any entrepreneur or creative person can relate to the challenges or resistance that may surface around delegating tasks or asking for help. Essentially, this stems from having to shift from a mindset of I can do it all to I need a team for this or even I get to have support for this! This will likely become especially evident if scaling your business is something you desire. You’ll start to notice places where, frankly, what you’re doing is “no longer your job”.

Learning to ask for and allow yourself to be fully supported is a continual process. It’s an incredible feeling to get up each day knowing you get to do business with amazing individuals who are aligned with your vision and long-term business goals.

Here are 5 game-changing tips to making the process of hiring your team an empowering, ease-based and successful one.

1. Create your crystal clear vision 

How do you see yourself and what do you see for your team? Maybe you have a few employees already, or perhaps you’re at the beginning of building your ideal team. Whatever the case, it’s vital to get crystal clear on what it is you want.

I knew I wanted to build a creative, independent and high vibe team that supported and aligned with the overall vision for my company.

Take a moment to consider what the values of your company are, and what your vision is (you might like to take longer than a moment, and write your answers down several times until you are clear!) You will build your perfect team if you’re doing so intentionally with individuals who are on the same page when it comes to core values and your greater vision for the company.

Your vision creates your environment, which creates your reality.

Related: You Are Made by the People You Say ‘No’ to,”

2. Set your intention 

If you had to answer right now, what would you say your intentions are for the kind of people you’d love on your team, and what this will lead to? How about what that will feel like? What the work environment will be like, physically but also energetically? What else?

One of my intentions, to give you an idea of what this step may look like, was to call in soul-aligned individuals who contributed to the company in a way that felt effortless and simply right. I am a big believer in using my gut feel (hence the talk of soul alignment) to make business decisions, and doing so has been a pivotal part of how I’ve made more than 20 million dollars online. I made an inner decision that my team members would not only just be “right”, but that they would add to the business in ways I didn’t even foresee.

Some of the most wonderful things about my team are also things that were, at first glance, completely irrational of me to dare to ask for. Yet I did anyway, and it became real because it was available. Hint: everything you see inside of you and dare to ask is available.

3. Ask for what you want

You don’t receive what you don’t ask for, specifically. So no, it’s not enough to just want, wish or even loosely intend. This is where you get to unapologetically state exactly what it is you need and want. This is best expressed when writing out your script or job advert. This is the opportunity to filter out who is not a match simply by being clear and straight with who you do want.

If you are transparent with your expectations and you allow your energy to come through the description, you will attract who it speaks to. Some of my adverts may have seemed audacious, outrageous, wildly over the top or simply unprofessional for many, but they also spoke to people who ended up being my perfect people.

What if you just asked for exactly what you wanted, and were open about every part of who you are?

Related: What Really Happens When You Hire the Wrong Candidate         

4. Identify your non-negotiables

This is about determining, and then being honest around, what you will allow and what is simply a no for you. Better to be straight up from the get-go than to have to deal with the consequences of not being truthful with yourself or with others.

The hiring process becomes easier the clearer you are around what is non-negotiable for you and what areas or skills perhaps you are willing to teach and train your employee.

Here are some questions to help you clarify who it is you are looking for and what your non-negotiables are:

What type of personality or energy are you looking for? What are their skillsets? What is their experience? Where do they need to live? What area of the business do they need to fill? What are the logistical requirements?

It’s well worth outlining some — if not all — of these when you advertise for your hires. The key here is to know what is actually a yes and what is a no. Once you have all of these questions answered, you can go through each one and feel into what you are willing to negotiate or shift on what is non-negotiable.

Related: How to Say ‘No’ at Work (Infographic)

5. Decide, from your gut

If someone looks great on paper but something feels slightly off, or you aren’t entirely happier or enthusiastic after meeting them — then chances are they are not a fit.

Keep in mind someone can be fantastic on paper and tick all the boxes, but when your body and intuition are saying the opposite, it’s time you listen. It’s also possible that they might have next to no experience, yet you feel great about having them join you. If that’s the feeling, then you’ve got a winner.

Once you do lock it in, have your letter of engagement, job description, employee policies, equipment policies and employee benefits forwarded to them soon after. These will help your new employee get a good understanding of your expectations and how the company works as well as formalize everything and make your hire official.

The hiring process can be a fun and expansive experience. Always come back to your vision, your intention and decide to not waver from that. Hiring someone who isn’t a fit and then having to replace them can be costly and is not an ideal situation. One way to help avoid this and get it right the first time is staying true to what a perfect team means to you and only saying “yes” to what is aligned with you and the growth of your business.

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