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National theatre re-opens Art and culture sector after 2 years of lockdown

It was all joy as the Uganda National Cultural Centre (UNCC) re-opened the Arts and culture sector on Friday at the National Theatre after solid two years of closure due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The event was graced by H.E Jules-Armand Aniambossou, the Ambassador of France to Uganda and officials from the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development led by Betty Amongi who was Chief Convener.

According to Robert Musiitwa the Public Relations & Marketing Unit of UNC, the event was mainly aimed at announcing to stakeholders and partners that UNCC is back in business. And also to acknowledge the support and loyalty of UNCC partners and clients over the years, to share available opportunities within the sector (UNCC) for prospectus partners, to showcase artistic presentations that have come out of the partnership with the French Embassy, to strategize for the sector and its contribution to national development and to create an opportunity for networking, communicating, and celebrating our cultural diversity.

“For two years the lights of the National Theatre were off and the curtains have also been off, so it’s a celebration thanking God for making us survive the pandemic and also thanking the government for re-opening the sector, we also want to thank the French Embassy for the support they rendered to us during the lockdown.”

Among the key items that were performed included the Buffet choreographed by Grace Flavia Ibanda and features Tereka Desire Kenneth, Sserwanga Bernard, Atim Cissy, Natukunda Barbara, Elasu Elvis, Munina Shana Rujumba, Odoch Emmanuel Edwine, Ssekate Ivan, among others.

The legendary musician Diplock Segawa performed live with the Quintet Band, led by Ronnie Nsereko. The Quintet Band curtain raised the event with 4 songs and Diplock Segawa climaxed with his newly recorded song ‘My Country Uganda’ A theatre play (COBWEB) written and directed by Loius Muhereza.

Other activities included a tour of the UNCC facility and the new developments, exhibitions, and the awarding of certificates to participants of the previous enhancement skills workshops.

Francis Peter Ojede, the Executive Director of UNCC appreciated the French Embassy for funding the enhancement skills training workshops, which were conducted between November 2021 and January 2022. “The fund which is under the FSPI Culture Project (Solidarity Funds for Innovative Projects) is aimed at strengthening the capacities of operators to structure the cultural ecosystem in Uganda,” Adding that UNCC organized several training workshops to empower creative and performing artists to deliver improved products/a cultural offer. Participants were trained in the areas of portfolio review, directing, dancing, set props and scenic design, sound and light design, costume design, among others.

“In another special way I want to thank Operation Wealth Creation, they have helped us, and our artists were able to survive the pandemic.”

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