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NRM boss Namayanja, local leaders inspect government programs in Luwero

The NRM deputy Secretary-General Hon Namayanja Rose Nsereko yesterday joined the leadership of Luwero District in monitoring government programs in the area.

Namayanja who was accompanied by the Luwero RDC Najjuma Juliet Ssenkoole among other leaders toured the Rural Electricity Extension program, Business Processing Outsourcing(BPO) and the government internet hub in the sub-counties of Butuntumula, Luwero, Kikyusa, Zirobwe and Zirobwe town council.

She said that since it’s the mandate of the government to implement the manifesto which the ruling party designed, it is as well the role of leaders to fast track and monitor all projects that were captured in the manifesto.

“As leaders at the national level, it is our role to monitor all that was captured in our manifesto, since it’s our mandate to the people. The position of NRM is to ensure that services are closer to the people irrespective of their political affiliations. Therefore our visit is to ensure that all our people get good quality services because the NRM government is for everyone.” Namayanja said.

The NRM deputy Secretary-General added,” Our manifesto is broad and the role of government is to implement all that was captured. So the massive extension of electricity in the rural areas and having access to free Internet services, all lie under our manifesto as the ruling government.”

Namayanja further urged the locals to take full advantage of the many government projects to improve their livelihoods.

“Our objective as the party in leadership is ensuring that all these programs reach our people. When these programs come in your locality, utilize that opportunity because they are available for everyone. Take advantage of these programs and improve your standards of living in your families and the community at large,” she noted.

The government through the Rural Electrification Agency has extended power right from Kasiiso to Mazzi in which 55 three-phase transformers have been installed aiming to connect over 3807 households. Of these, 1600 households have already received the power in the district.

Namayanja urged the people to utilize the electricity to start up projects that can improve their standards of living and pledged that more programs will be extended to them.

“In one or two years, this region will have developed massively because electricity empowers the people to start up small-scale industries that can employ our people. Together with the district leadership, government is setting up a Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) at Luwero community center to avail high-speed internet to the local people for free. This will be a distribution center for Luwero, Nakaseke and Nakansongola. This service will strengthen and enhance the link between the local people and private sector including advocacy on public policy, international trade development, research and market intelligence services and access to an international network of Outsourcing associations across the globe.

Government is also aiming at setting up small Wifi hot spots at different areas to avail free access to the Internet.” Namayanja said.

On the issue of vandalism of government property, a tough-talking Namayanja asked the RDC to set up committees at the village level to track this problem because government loses a lot of money on vandalism, yet these programs are for all Ugandans.

Parish Development Model

Speaking about the Emyooga and the soon-to-be-launched Parish Development Model, Namayanja urged residents to actively get involved in these programs as its one of the ways that will improve their household income.

“The country today is stable and the government is now focusing on household income. Therefore utilize these programs well and generate money to improve yo standards of living. Don’t be misled by opportunists that these programs will not work. Be positioned and remain focused since many people who embraced these programs never remained the same.”

Hon. Kirabo Agnes, the youth Member of Parliament for Central Region urged her fellow youth to embrace government programs to improve their standards of living.

“As youths, our challenge has always been unemployment. Therefore utilize this opportunity to start up something with this free internet,” she advised.

The Luwero District RDC Mrs Juliet Najjuma thanked the people for their cooperation and vigilance in monitoring government programs extended to their localities.

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