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World marks 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks

US President Joe Biden attended the memorial ceremony in Pennsylvania and is set to visit the Pentagon later as other world leaders mark the occasion with messages of sympathy.

World marks 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks

An explosion rocks one of the World Trade Center Towers crumbled down after a plane hit the building
The 9/11 attacks claimed nearly 3,000 lives

Biden laid a wreath in Pennsylvania after visiting Ground Zero in New York
9/11 survivor tells DW: ‘No way to rationalize what happened’
European leaders offer condolences
Relatives of the 9/11 victims read out their loved ones’ names in New York
For a look at how DW reported on the attacks in 2001, click here
People around the world are remembering the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which left 2,977 people dead in 2001.

This article was last updated at 17:17 UTC

New al-Qaeda video surfaces
Al-Qaeda released a new video of the terror group’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri Saturday — the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The one-hour video was an apparent bid to refute rumors about al-Zawahiri’s death after reports emerged in November suggesting he had died of natural causes.

During the video, he mentions the US withdrawal from Afghanistan but does not mention the Taliban’s recapture of Kabul.

Al-Zawahiri was named the head of the terrorist group in 2011 after Osama bin Laden was killed by US special operations forces at his hideout in Pakistan.

Messages of solidarity from Europe
European leaders have sent messages of support to the United States, saying the 9/11 attackers had failed to destroy Western values. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen paid tribute to “those who lost their lives” as well as “those who risked everything to help them.”

European Council chief Charles Michel wrote on Twitter: “The horrific attacks of #September11 20 years ago changed the course of history … The EU stands by the US and @POTUS in the continued fight against terrorism and extremism in all its forms.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that the war on terror had “not achieved all our goals.”

Referring to the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, she added: “That is why it is important for us on the German side to safeguard what we have been able to achieve, education for girls and the like, although we know that this will not be easy with the Taliban.”

Watch video00:22
War on terror: ‘We have not achieved all our goals,’ Merkel says
French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted: “We will #NeverForget. We will always fight for freedom.”

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the jihadists had “failed to shake our belief in freedom and democracy. They failed to drive our nations apart, or cause us to abandon our values, or to live in permanent fear.”

NATO chief: Anti-terror fight will go on
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg paid his respects to the victims of 9/11 and said the alliance would keep countering the threat of global terrorism.

“The fight against terrorism will continue, and NATO will continue to play its part, as the only place where Europe and North America come together every day for our shared security,” Stoltenberg said at a ceremony at the alliance headquarters in Brussels.

The flags of the 30 NATO allies flew at half-mast Saturday as a sign of respect for some 3,000 people who died in the attacks.

In an editorial published in Germany’s Die Welt newspaper among other outlets, Stoltenberg said NATO had already “launched a thorough assessment” of the almost 20-year mission in Afghanistan to see which lessons must be learned.

The last US troops withdraw from Kabul last week after the Taliban regained control of the war-ravaged country in a matter of days.

Watch video03:32
9/11 survivor recalls attack on World Trade Center
George Bush denounces US disunity
George W. Bush, who was president when the 9/11 attacks unfolded, said that today’s disunity made him feel “worried” about the future of the United States. “In the weeks and months following the 9/11 attacks, I was proud to lead an amazing, resilient, united people,” Bush said in Pennsylvania.

“When it comes to the unity of America, those days seem distant from our own,” he continued. “So much of our politics has become a naked appeal to anger, fear, and resentment. That leaves us worried about our nation and our future together.”

Trudeau offers condolences
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offered his condolences and praised the heroes of 9/11. “Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on September 11, 2001,” he tweeted. “Twenty years later, we remember them, and the incredible sacrifice and bravery of the first responders. My thoughts are with the survivors and loved ones whose lives were changed forever that day.”

“As we reflect on the tragedy of 9/11, let’s not forget all the people who stepped up and met the horror and heartbreak of that day with courage and kindness.”

Biden makes Pennsylvania appearance
President Joe Biden made an appearance at the commemoration ceremony in Pennsylvania for the victims of United Airlines Flight 93.

Earlier Vice President Kamala Harris, former President George W. Bush and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf spoke at the remembrance. Wolf said the passengers and crew of Flight 93 offered a lasting lesson of courage and hope.

“This story and this place remind us each day what it means to be an American,” said Wolf. “In times of strife, we Americans, we come together. We comfort each other. We protect each other and we stand up for each other. This memorial is a powerful reminder of what we have lost. But it’s also a powerful reminder of the strength of the American spirit.”

Flight 93 crashed to the ground near the city of Shanksville after a passenger revolt caused the hijackers to abandon their mission of targeting the US Capitol.

Biden and First Lady Jill Biden lay a wreath
Biden and First Lady Jill Biden lay a wreath at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania

Russia calls for anti-terror cooperation with US
Russia said it was ready to resume anti-terrorism cooperation with the US. In a statement released by Moscow’s diplomatic mission in Washington, ambassador Anatoly Antonov said Russia was grieving together with the US and proposed reviving cooperation on the fight against terrorism problems in bilateral ties.

“We should put aside all contradictions and disputes and cooperate for the benefit of security and prosperity of not just Russia and the United States, but all of humanity,” Antonov said.

Watch video03:27
US policy changes following the 9/11 attacks
Defense secretary remembers ‘fallen teammates’
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that “we remember not just who our fallen teammates were, but the mission that they shared,” at a ceremony at the Pentagon. “We recall their common commitment to defend our republic, and to squarely face new dangers.”

“Almost a quarter of the citizens who we defend today were born after 9/11,” including many of the 13 American service members killed in the recent attack in Afghanistan, he added. He says that “as the years march on, we must ensure that all our fellow Americans know and understand what happened here on 9/11, and in Manhattan, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.”

First responders head to iconic O’Hara’s bar
Firefighters and first responders from across the US went to the iconic O’Hara’s bar, which withstood 9/11, DW correspondent Oliver Sallet reported. The gathering followed the commemoration ceremony. The bar is located just one block from where the twin towers once stood.

Trump slams ‘inept’ Afghan withdrawal
Former US President Donald Trump slammed the “inept administration” of Joe Biden for its “incompetence” over the Afghan withdrawal via video message.

“This is a very sad day,” Trump said in the message, adding that September 11 “represents great sorrow for our country.”

“It is also a sad time for the way our war on those that did such harm to our country ended last week,” he continued. He also blamed “bad planning, incredible weakness and leaders who truly didn’t understand what was happening.”

Survivor says she ‘felt building shake’
Survivor Wendy Lanski was on the 29th floor of the World Trade Center’s North Tower when she felt the building shake.

“I could see debris out the window. And then I heard the sound of people jumping and the connection of those people to the ground which I will never ever forget,” she said.

Ceremony in New York starts exactly 20 years after first plane hit
US President Joe Biden was seen talking with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton at the site of the 9/11 attacks in New York as the solemn commemoration ceremony starts. The timing is set to match the exact moment of the first plane hitting the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 a. m. local time (12:46 GMT) in 2001.

The dignitaries observed a moment of silence, followed by relatives of the victims reading out the victims’ names.

Mike Low, whose daughter was a flight attendant on the airliner that struck the North Tower, gave the first remarks after the moment of silence, describing the “unbearable sorrow and disbelief” experienced by his family over the past 20 years.

“As we recite the names of those we lost my memory goes back to that terrible day when it felt like an evil specter had descended on our world, but it was also a time when many people acted above and beyond the ordinary,” he said.

Relatives then began to read aloud the names of the victims, an annual ritual that will last four hours.

A child holds a sign saying We Will Never Forget
A child holds a sign saying “We Will Never Forget”

Obama hails 9/11 heroes
Former President Barack Obama hailed the heroes of 9/11. “One thing that became clear on 9/11, and has been clear ever since, is that America has always been home to heroes who run towards danger in order to do what is right,” said Obama. He also referenced the effects of climate change in his speech.

“Over the last 20 years, we’ve seen the same courage and selflessness on display again and again,” he said.

“We saw it a decade ago when, after years of persistence, our military brought justice to Osama bin Laden. And we’re seeing it today, in the doctors and nurses, bone tired, doing what they can to save lives; the service members, some of whom weren’t even born 20 years ago, putting themselves at risk to save Americans and help refugees find a better life; the first responders battling roaring fires and rising waters to bring families to safety.”

Limited recognition in Afghanistan
Unconfirmed reports had circulated all week that the Taliban may use the anniversary of Sept. 11 to swear in their new government, but the day unfolded without formal recognition.

“This is a day for America, not for Afghanistan,” Muhammad Alzoad, a bank clerk, told AFP. “This was nothing to do with Afghanistan, but it made us suffer. “The attacks against the United States were planned by al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, who had taken refuge in Afghanistan after the Taliban took power in 1996.

Germany still struggling with militant Islamism
Twenty years on, Germany is still grappling with militant Islamism. Kerstin Eppert, an Islamism expert from Bielefeld, observed that various German groups are already exploiting developments in Afghanistan for propaganda purposes, following the withdrawal of US troops. According to her, the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul was “a gift for the movement in Germany. After the downfall of IS in Syria, Islamists are now again talking about a ‘victory for Islam.'”

The increase in Islamist movements worldwide and in Germany has to do with the way the “war on terror” — proclaimed two decades ago by then US President George W. Bush — was conducted, some critics say.

Memorial executive gives nod to a ‘moment of high emotion’
Clifford Chanin, the executive vice president at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum built at the site of the World Trade Center attack, said the anniversary would serve as a “moment of high emotion” for the country, a time to consider “where we’ve been and where we are headed.”

“Of course, we are in the middle of another unimaginable event right now with the COVID pandemic, but if 9/11 brings us anything in terms of what happened here and at the other attack sites, it is a message of resilience,” Chanin told reporters this week.

In New York City, the ceremony at the Sept. 11 Memorial will begin with a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. local time (12:46 UTC), the exact time when the first plane flew into one of the World Trade Center’s twin towers. After that, family members will recite the names of 2,977 victims, an annual ritual that will last four hours.

Biden commemorates 9/11 with visits to attack sites, calls for unity
Biden is set to commemorate the anniversary of 9/11 with stops at all three attack sites.

He will begin the day in New York, where he will attend a ceremony at the site where the World Trade Center’s twin towers once stood. He will then travel to Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 crashed into a field after passengers overtook the hijackers and prevented another target from being hit.

The president will end the day in the Washington DC area to visit the Pentagon, which was also hit by a plane on 9/11.

Biden was not scheduled to deliver remarks at any of the sites, but he released a video on Friday to express his condolences.

“It’s so hard. Whether it’s the first year or the 20th, children have grown up without parents and parents have suffered without children,” Biden said.

The president noted the heroism that was seen on the day of the attack and the period that followed.

“We also saw something all too rare: a true sense of national unity,” he added.

Watch video42:31
The children of 9/11 – Growing up in the shadow of terror
Survivor recounts 9/11 experience
A survivor told DW that there was simply no way for her to rationalize what had happened on the day of the attacks. “It is the most irrational act when people take their personal animus out on civilians,” Lauren Manning, who was in the World Trade Center’s North Tower when the first jet slammed into the building, told DW.

When United Flight 711 slammed into the tower, a fire engulfed Manning. She experienced 80% burns to her body.

“That I actually did survive was because of tenacity, resilience, luck,” she said. “I knew as I watched bodies come pummeling to the ground that some of those were my colleagues, my friends from Cantor Fitzgerald [financial services company], and I had the slimmest chance to fight.”

Manning also touted the acts of bravery and heroism that she witnessed. “The most dominant emotion for me is the heroism that people who were not clothed in uniforms showed each other that day, the grace of colleagues and friends and strangers helping each other.”

Queen Elizabeth offers condolences
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth said that her prayers remained with the victims and survivors.

“My thoughts and prayers — and those of my family and the entire nation — remain with the victims, survivors and families affected, as well as the first responders and rescue workers called to duty,” the queen said in a message to US President Joe Biden.

“My visit to the site of the World Trade Center in 2010 is held fast in my memory.”

“It reminds me that as we honor those from many nations, faiths and backgrounds who lost their lives, we also pay tribute to the resilience and determination of the communities who joined together to rebuild.”

Watch video02:58
September 11: The Hamburg terrorist cell
Johnson hails US as ‘world’s greatest democracy’
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday said that the September 11 attackers failed to make people in open societies live in “permanent fear.” In a video message to be played at a ceremony on Saturday, Johnson said the US was the “world’s greatest democracy” and it was a reflection of its openness that “people of almost every nationality and religion” were among the nearly 3,000 people killed in the attacks.

“But while the terrorists imposed their burden of grief and suffering, and while the threat persists today, we can now say with the perspective of 20 years that they failed to shake our belief in freedom and democracy; they failed to drive our nations apart, or cause us to abandon our values, or to live in permanent fear,” Johnson said.

Sixty-seven British nationals were among those killed.

Moon offers ‘deepest sympathies’
South Korean President Moon Jae-in expressed his “deepest sympathies” and says South Korea will continue to support the US as a key ally in its efforts to fight terrorism.

In a message posted on Twitter and Facebook on Saturday, Moon said the “shock of that day still remains as deep wounds in the hearts of so many” and that “no violence can win against peace and inclusiveness.”