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Ukraine news – live: Putin warned of ‘enormous consequences’ as Biden says Russian invasion would change world

Biden says he will personally sanction Putin if Russia invades Ukraine

Joe Biden has said there would be “enormous consequences” globally if Russia invaded Ukraine.

An estimated 100,000 or so Russian troops are amassed on the Ukraine border. Mr Biden said if Vladimir Putin were to order them to move in “it would be the largest invasion since World War II, it would change the world.”

He added: “There would be enormous consequences if he were to go in and invade … for Russia, not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences but enormous consequences worldwide.”

Sources told the Independent that the United States was preparing economic sanctions aiming to “maximise pain in the Kremlin” if Russia invades.

The plans, which were being discussed with partners and allies, could include export controls and financial sanctions, sources said.

They will be designed to “maximise pain the Kremlin while also minimising the spillover” elsewhere, the source said.

In the UK, Boris Johnson said he would “not hesitate” to toughen economic sanctions against Russia in the event of an invasion.

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Russia decries ‘Russophobia’ and Ukraine ‘flooded’ with weapons to UN

Russia accused the US of “cultivating Russophobia” among its citizens and like-minded states in the world and said Ukraine has been “flooded” with weapons from the US and Nato.

“Cultivating Russophobia among its citizens and like-minded states, talking about the accumulation of Russian troops as almost the root cause of all problems, [the US] forgets to clarify that the talk is about Russian forces on Russian territory,” the mission said.

“This is in contrast to the American and Nato weaponry and countless advisers that have flooded Ukraine and some other states close to the Russian borders,” it added.

It also raised questions over the American navy’s presence near the Russian coast and accused the US of increasing tension in the Black Sea region.

The Russian mission also accused the US of supporting militants in Syria’s capital Idlib and strengthening positions with a militant group once affiliated with al-Qaeda called Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

“Under the pretext of caring for the Syrians forcibly held by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in Idlib as a human shield, American diplomacy, at the expense of its taxpayers, actually supports the militants,” it said.

“By strengthening the positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Washington is shooting itself in the foot, declaring its commitment to the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic.”

Shweta Sharma26 January 2022 06:20


German chancellor warns of ‘grave consequences’ if Russia invades

In a conference after meeting French president Emmanuel Macron, German chancellor urged Russia to take steps to de-escalate the situation with Ukraine.

“An important issue is also how to act jointly in relation to a very serious situation along the Ukrainian-Russian border. There are a lot of military personnel stationed there, so everything must be done so that the situation develops differently than the way it is sometimes feared,” Mr Scholz said.

“We therefore expect from Russia unequivocal steps that would contribute to the de-escalation of the situation. And we are unanimous that military aggression will entail grave consequences.”

He said negotiations are welcomed from Russia through various formats, including Normandy format – talks including Germany, Russia, Ukraine, and France.

“It should be so. We take the situation seriously, we clearly say what will happen if it comes to military aggression – it happens. And thirdly, at the same time we are doing everything to get out of this situation through talks,” he said.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) welcomes French President Emmanuel Macron (L) ahead of their meeting at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, Germany,


Shweta Sharma26 January 2022 05:54


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would be ‘largest since WW2’: Biden

President Joe Biden issued stark remarks on Tuesday, warning that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “would be the largest invasion since World War II”.

Mr Biden also warned that his office could consider personal sanctions on Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin if he attacks Ukraine, in a rare threat, as Nato has placed forces on standby.

Mr Biden made the statements during a surprise visit to a newly opened gift store near the Capitol named Honey Made.

When asked he will see himself imposing sanctions on Mr Putin directly if Russia invaded Ukraine. “Yes,” he responded. “I would see that.”

Shweta Sharma26 January 2022 05:18


US to discuss energy supply with Qatar amid fears Russia could cut Europe off

Joe Biden will discuss global energy security with the leader of Qatar next week, the White House said amid concerns that Russia could cut off gas supplies to Europe.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani will meet the president in the White House as the US launched talks with energy-producing states and firms bout a potential diversion of supplies to Europe if Russia invades Ukraine.

Antony Blinken, US secretary of state, discussed the matter with the foreign minister of Qatar, a top liquefied natural gas producer, in a phone call on Monday, according to a source familiar with the matter who requested anonymity.

Mr Tamim’s meeting with Mr Biden at the White House will provide the leaders with an opportunity to discuss “ensuring the stability of global energy supplies,” Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, said in a statement.

Washington is concerned that Russia, which has massed more than 100,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders, could invade its neighbor, triggering US and European sanctions that would prompt the Kremlin to halt deliveries of Russian gas to Europe.

Liam James26 January 2022 02:30


UK and US discuss banning Russia from global payment platform

Boris Johnson said he was discussing banning Russia from the Swift global payments system with the United States.

Asked about the Swift payment system and whether Britain would ban Russia, Mr Johnson said: “There is no doubt that that would be a very potent weapon.”

“I’m afraid it can only really be deployed with the assistance of the United States though. We are in discussions about that.”

Banishment from Swift would disrupt the international payments of Russian firms and institutions.

The US is preparing a sweeping tranche of economic sanctions to “maximise pain in the Kremlin” if Russia invades Ukraine, The Independent has been told by a US government source.

These could include blocking financial transfers from Russia’s three biggest banks, two additional sources said.

Liam James26 January 2022 01:30


Western leaders warn Russia it will pay high price if it invades Ukraine

French president Emmanuel Macron told Russia that it would “pay a high price” if any invasion of Ukraine went ahead (Thomas Kingsley writes).

Mr Macron’s warning came as he met new German leader Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Tuesday as eleventh-hour discussions to avert war in Europe continued.

“If there is an attack, there will be retaliation and the price [for Russia] will be very high,” Mr Macron said. He added that recent talks were a “god thing” but were yet to show any clear results.

His comments came on another day of fevered diplomatic discussions with British prime minister Boris Johnson also warning against any military action on Russia’s part, claiming it would prove “tragic and futile”.

He told the House of Commons: “If Russia pursues this path, many Russian mothers’ sons will not be coming home.”

Liam James26 January 2022 00:30


Ukraine situation ‘not de-escalating’ yet, says US State Department

The situation with Russian troops at the Ukraine border is not considered to be moving in the right direction, the US State Department said.

Ned Price, the US State Department spokesman, said in a press briefing: ‘I don’t think we’ve seen any concrete evidence of de-escalation just yet

’”We haven’t seen the de-escalation that is necessary for diplomacy and dialogue to be successful.

“There is not a precondition for dialogue and diplomacy, but there is a precondition for that dialogue and diplomacy moving in the right direction … and that precondition is de-escalation.”

Liam James25 January 2022 23:30


Biden warns Russia of ‘enormous global consequences’ of Ukraine invasion

Joe Biden has said there would be “enormous consequences” globally if Russia invaded Ukraine.

Russia is thought to have amassed more than 100,000 troops on the border with its neighbour and is feared to be planning an invasion. Western leaders are anticipating Russia’s next move.

Talking to reporters about the US approach to the situation on a visit to a gift shop in DC, Mr Biden said: “There would be enormous consequences if he were to go in and invade – as he could – the entire country … for Russia, not only in terms of economic consequences and political consequences but enormous consequences worldwide.”

“If he were to move in with all those forces, it would be the largest invasion since World War II. It would change the world.”

Liam James25 January 2022 22:38


Russia-Ukraine: Key points from Tuesday

9am: ‘Russian military associates already in Ukraine’, says UK defence minister [post]

11am: UK would face record-high gas prices if Russia invades Ukraine [post]

1pm: Boris Johnson warns Putin invasion of Ukraine would be ‘tragic and futile’ [post]

2pm: UK foreign secretary Liz Truss to visit Ukraine [post]

5pm: French president Macron to call Putin on friday for “clarification” on Ukraine situation [post]

6pm: Ukraine president urges public not to panic [post]

7pm: US prepares sanctions to ‘maximise pain’ for Russia if it invades Ukraine [post]

Liam James25 January 2022 22:30


Russia-Ukraine escalation likely to force energy prices up

An escalated conflict between Russia and Ukraine would likely force energy prices higher for many countries, sustaining high inflation rates, a top International Monetary Fund (IMF) official has said.

Gita Gopinath, second in command at the IMF, said the situation now was far different than in 2014 when Russia annexed the Crimea region of Ukraine, and energy prices fell quite sharply amid low demand and ample shale gas supplies.

“This time around … if this conflict were to happen, you would see an increase in energy prices,” Ms Gopinath told Reuters, noting the current crisis was unfolding in winter and natural gas reserves were much lower in Europe.

Prices of other commodities exported by Russia such as were also rising, and could trigger a “bigger, broad-based increase” in commodities prices if the conflict ratcheted up, she told Reuters after the release of the IMF’s updated World Economic Outlook.

Russia’s economy contracted by 3.7 per cent in 2015 due to falling oil prices and international sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea.

The IMF currently estimates that Russia’s economy will grow 2.8 per cent in 2022, but that forecast does not include concerns about the conflict, Ms Gopinath said.

Liam James25 January 2022 21:40

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